Videopac Carrying Case

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Austrian collecting box / carrying case for Videopac games that is similar to the Cassette Box, but made of hard plastic rather than cardboard. It contains a black tray similar to the Cassette Box’s. This tray is also made of plastic, but of lesser quality than the outside of the carrying case.

This carrying case is very rare; it was only sold for a very limited time, and probably only in Austria. An advertisement for it appeared in a 1985 issue of “G7000 Club News,” the Austrian Videopac club magazine. The ad urges the reader to go to “your specialist dealer,” which suggests that the Collecting Box was sold in stores. The legend across the lid of the box translates from German to English, “The play – and learning world on the TV.”

-photo: own collection

NamePhilips Videopac Carrying Case
TypeConsole accessory
Rarityvery rare
Dimensions35x15x15 cm

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