
In Cultuurhistorische verkenningen, a book published in 1929, the famous historian Johan Huizinga wrote: “history is the spiritual form in which a culture takes accountability for its past”. Society, culture and history are inextricably linked. The interaction between these three units largely determines “who we are” and “how we think”. The website retrogamer.nl was founded based on this idea. Opinion pieces, reviews and short surveys are published on the website. Often related to the history of gaming or game consoles.

Writing is not my job, but simply my hobby, and a hobby should be fun. That is why you will notice that the website pays a lot of attention to games, technology and current social topics that intrigue and / or amaze me. Since I am originally a historian, often these topics will be viewed from a historical perspective and accompanied by a healthy opinion. The aim is not objective truth, but rather an attempt to view and comment on subjects from their own point of view.

If you have any questions or if you would like to comment on one of the articles, please let me know via:


Kind regards,

Bart Dekker